Tree Crack
2011-2015 | media: landscape | location: Hackney, London | scale: 5.5m x 5.5m
The original concept for the front garden of a typical London Victorian terraced house in London, proposed to drill into the beautifully weathered and patinated concrete slab to plant a tree and a few shrubs. It was intended that as the trees grew, it will increase the cracks of the slab in a continuous process of ruination; this will be the expression of the garden.
The built design is of a new concrete slab designed with abstracted cracks. As the trees grow, they will start the process originally envisaged.
Original slab now demolished
Project team
Structural engineer: Ben Godber
Photographer: Eric Guibert
Drawings: Eric Guibert
Contractor: Atom Build
Cast cracks
Cracks as planted by client