Eric Guibert and Ana Krec in front of the atelier's table at the ADAPT-r group exhibition, Ambika, London (photographer: Kate Heron)
Letter from the soils we have designed with, presented at the Monsoon [and other] Ground symposium, 22.03.2019, organised by the Monsoon Assemblages research project. You can watch the reading here.
Learning from Colin Ward, at The Garden Museum organised with the Architecture Foundation, 08.10.2015, with Daisy Froud, David Knight and Ken Worpole, chaired by Ellis Woodman.
Emergent meadow watercolours, a series of watercolours painted to define the landscape gestures to be applied on a meadow were exhibited at the Monsoon [and other] Ground symposium, 22.03.2019, organised by the Monsoon Assemblages research project.
The ADAPT-r group exhibition, Ambika P3, London, 26 November until 18 December 2016.
The model of Roots Pavilion, included in the ADAPT-r box travelling exhibition shown at multiple location
Making Research │ Researching Making – Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark, September 2015
Practice Research Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, November 2015
ADAPT-r day, Pavilion de l’Arsenal, Paris, France, June 11, 2016
Re-imagining Rurality conference February 2015, University of Westminster, London
ADAPT-r fellowship, 22 months at the Faculty of Architecture of KU Leuven, Belgium